Saturday 2 July 2011

only 10 dollar~whitening+acne go away~ face srub

  • 美白控油脸部磨砂粉
  • 材料:绿豆粉与薏仁


whitening +acne go away facial scrub
ingredient:mung bean flour +barley flour
how to apply: mix the flour together~ after that apply some water on your face and take some flour apply on your face~ scrub gently~after 1min ~ wash it with warm water
sms me if you want it(98922333)~ the first customer who spend over 50doller will get a pair of geo  contact lens(green or purple)0degree~if got any problem or want know more about this product

  • 首顾客购买超过50新币,便有免费一对geo contact lens, 紫色或绿色,0度

  • 诺想预定请发信息到98922333,你的姓名,货物就可以了~也可以信息来询问详细的咨询

  • Green bean mask~just only 10 doller~ bye bye my ugly face

    • 面膜大纲
    • 材料一:绿豆能有效地去除角质,痘痘,与深沉保湿~也有帮助消肿~
    • 材料二:薏仁粉~帮助美白,去色斑~还有让人讨厌的黑头粉刺
    • 材料三:秘方(芦荟控油高效精华)


    MASK ~
    ingredient one: mung bean flour(for exfoliating,acne ,deeply moisturizing  and swelling)
    ingredient two:barley flour:(good in whitening,scars and black head)
    ingredient three:aloe efficient posts for oily face
    include:chamomile and tea tree
    how to apply:after washing your face, mix the 3ingredient together and mix it with one half teaspoon of cold water and apply a little bit on your face (after three days , just say good bye with your acne~

    sms me if you want it(98922333)~ the first customer who spend over 50doller will get a pair of geo  contact lens(green or purple)0degree~if got any problem or want know more about this product

  • 首顾客购买超过50新币,便有免费一对geo contact lens, 紫色或绿色,0度

  • 诺想预定请发信息到98922333,你的姓名,货物就可以了~也可以信息来询问详细的咨询